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Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNNs) Implementation in Maize Plant Disease Detection Blessing
Kaeruza, Rachael Chikoore PG Student, Department of IT, Harare Institute of Technology,
Harare, Zimbabwe Dean, Department of Information
Technology, Harare Institute of Technology, Harare, Zimbabwe
DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012001
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Introduction of Particle Swarm Optimization for Trapezoidal Commutation of BLDC Motor Yien Siang Alex Kho, Hong Siang Chua, Sie King Ting Student, Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science, Swinburne University, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science, Swinburne University, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia Supervisor, Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science, Swinburne University, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012002 |
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A Product Backorder Predicting System for Supply Chain Management Kudzai Modester Sabata, Rachel Chikoore Student, Dept. of S.E, Harare Institute of Technology, Harare, Zimbabwe Dean, Sch. of SIST, Harare Institute of Technology, Harare, Zimbabwe DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1011003 |
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Suicidal Behavior Detection in Self-Service Chatbots Offering Emotional Support to Victims of Gender-Based Violence Twalumba Baila School of Information Science - Information Technology Department - Harare Institute of Technology, Harare, Zimbabwe DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012004 |
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An Efficient Blockchain Strategy in the course of Pandemics PROF.ELDIN SHAIK MOHAMMED School of Computer Science, Cairo University, Egypt DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012005 |
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Biometric Based Metro Ticketing System Using Image Processing Prof. Manjusha Tatiya, Shreedhar Rupnur, Vaishnavi Jagtap, Rutik Kamble, Somisetty Rathish Department of Computer Engineering, Indira College of Engineering and Management, Pune, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012006 |
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Hypothyroid Prediction in Early
Stage using Machine Learning G
Rajeswararao, Dr. Jaideep Gera PG Scholar, Dept of AIML, St Marys group of Institutions Guntur,
AP, India Associate Professor, Dept of
CSE, St Marys group of Institutions Guntur, AP, India
DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012007
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Click Through Rate Prediction Nikhil Chaube, Akash Gawai, Atharv Sankpal, K
N Attarde UG Students, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Theem COE, Mumbai
University, Maharashtra, India HOD, Dept. of Computer
Engineering, Theem COE, Mumbai University, Maharashtra, India
DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012008
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Voice Based E-Mail for the
Visually Impaired Aadil
Ashraf, Prince Sood PG Student, Dept. of CSE, Swami Vivekananda Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Chandighar-Patialia Highway (Banur), India Assistant Professor, Dept.
of CSE,
Swami Vivekananda Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Chandighar-Patialia Highway (Banur), India
DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012009
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Online Monolingual Thesaurus for Kokborok Language Pankaj Debbarma, Pusparwng Hrangkhawl Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Tripura Institute of Technology, Narsingarh, India Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Ambedkar College, Fatikroy, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012010 |
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Subvocal Recognition Using EMG Shujaat Altaf Pahalwan, Farhat Altaf PG Student, Dept. of CSE, Swami Vivekananda Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chandighar-Patialia Highway, Ramnagar (Banur), India BE Student, Dept. of CSE, SSM College of Engineering and Technology, Parihaspora Pattan (Kashmir), India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012011 |
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Criminal Data Analysis Using Machine Learning Models M Durga Bhavani, Firoze Pattan PG Scholar, Dept. of CSE, ST Marys Group of Institutions Guntur, AP, India Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, ST Marys Group of Institutions Guntur, AP, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012012 |
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A DEVS-Based Cyber-Attack Simulator for Cyber Security Abhijeet Chandrabhan Pawar, Nikita Jagtap Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Naher, Pune, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012013 |
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Exploring on Machine Learning and Its Processes and Growth Rohini Assistant Professor, CGC Jhanjeri, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012014 |
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Application on Food Waste Management Ranjeet Singh Suryawanshi, Shristi Singh, Prakriti Singh, Ketan Singh, Sneha Sanap, Shardul Situt Professor, Department of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities (DESH) Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India Student, Department of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities (DESH) Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India Student, Department of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities (DESH) Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India Student, Department of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities (DESH) Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India Student, Department of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities (DESH) Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India Student, Department of Engineering, Sciences and Humanities (DESH) Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012015 |
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Role of Database System in Education Yashwant Rao, Akanksha Kulkarni PG Student, Dept. of MCA., Ajeenkya D Y Patil University Pune. Maharashtra, India Professor, Dept. of MCA., Ajeenkya D Y Patil University Pune. Maharashtra, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012016 |
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Real Time Face Attendance System Using Deep Learning Kiran Chavan, Kiara Jamal, Jyoti Choudhary, Aniket Wankhede UG Student, Computer Engineering, Ajeenkya DY Patil School of Engineering Lohegaon, Pune, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012017 |
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Database Management System: An Introduction Sagar I Jagtap, Akanksha Kulkarni PG Student, Dept. of MCA, School of Engineering, Ajeenkya D Y Patil University, Pune, India Faculty, Dept. of MCA, School of Engineering, Ajeenkya D Y Patil University, Pune, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012018 |
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Glasses Detection and Segmentation from Face Portrait Images Abdul majid, V MALLESI PG Student, Dept. of C.S.E., Bheema Institute of Technology & Science, Adoni, India Asst. Professor, Dept. of C.S.E., Bheema Institute of Technology & Science, Adoni, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012019 |
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NoSql Cloud Database: Introduction and Services Shaily Kushwaha, Akanksha Kulkarni P.G Student, School of Engineering, Ajeenkya D Y Patil University, Pune, Maharashtra, India Faculty, School of Engineering, Ajeenkya D Y Patil University, Maharashtra, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012020 |
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FASHION RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM Bindu Uda, Aarti Boba, Nitya Gupta, Snehal Kahar, Prof.Meera Sawalkar Department of Computer Engineering, JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu School of Engineering and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India Department of Computer Engineering, JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu School of Engineering and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India Department of Computer Engineering, JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu School of Engineering and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India Department of Computer Engineering, JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu School of Engineering and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India Department of Computer Engineering, JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu School of Engineering and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012021 |
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Methodology of Performing Laboratory Work in Teaching the Department of General Physics (Optics) in Pedagogical Institutions of Higher Education Umbarov Abduvahid Uktam ugli Teacher of Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012022 |
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Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols using NS2 Framework Archana Ratnaparkhi, Radhika Purandare, Rohit Kamthe, Karan Mane, Vaibhav Dhawale, Arman Kavathekar Department of E&TC, VIIT, Pune, India Department of E&TC, VIIT, Pune, India Department of E&TC, VIIT, Pune, India Department of E&TC, VIIT, Pune, India Department of E&TC, VIIT, Pune, India Department of E&TC, VIIT, Pune, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012023 |
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An Advent Approach for Diagnosis and Prediction of Breast Cancer by Single Cell RNA sequencing Using Machine Learning Techniques: A Review Ruheena Hashmi Syed Mubeen Hashmi, Dr. Dnyaneshwari D. Patil Assistant Professor, Dept. of Management Science & Computer Studies, Maulana Azad College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & IT MGM University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012024 |
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Area Calculation Using Drone Varsha Nanavare, Tejas Patil, Devesh Gahulekar, Vivek Badgujar Assistant Professor, Dept. of ENTC., RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering, Warje, Pune, India UG Student, Dept. of ENTC., RMD Sinhgad School of Engineering, Warje, Pune, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012025 |
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Modified Massive MIMO Antenna Design for Better Result in 5G Communication Dhananjay Dashora PG Student, Dept. of E.C.E., College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012026 |
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Attribute Prediction for Undergraduate Students by Applying Machine Learning Techniques S. Sooryanath, Dr. S. Anguraj Department of Information Technology, KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012027 |
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Behaviour Based Malware Detection Using Machine Learning PRADEEP SACHIN, S.SUGANYA Department of Information Technology, College: KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012028 |
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Pharmaceutical Guidance System Based on Sentimental Analysis of Chemist Reviews Using Machine Learning G.Dharani, Dr.G.Singaravel, S.Gowtham Department of Information Technology, KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, India Professor & Head, Department of Information Technology, KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, India Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, KSR College of Engineering, Tiruchengode, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012029 |
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Face Based Attendance System using Convolutional Neural Network Rajvi Landge, Adhishree Auchare, Aiman Shaikh, Prof. Nilufar Zaman Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune, India Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune, India Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune, India Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune, India Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Trinity Academy of Engineering,, Pune, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012030 |
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Blockchain Based Secure Communication And File Transfer System Pranav Khedkar, Akanksha Kumbharkar, Vishal
Londhe, Prasad Hole, Prof. Abhijeet Cholke Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Trinity Academy of
Engineering, Pune, India Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Trinity Academy of
Engineering, Pune, India Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Trinity Academy of
Engineering, Pune, India Student, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Trinity Academy of
Engineering, Pune, India Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Trinity
Academy of Engineering, Pune, India
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Loan Approval System Using Machine Learning K.Tejanya, B.Preethi Mahadevi, Amrutha S.Pattar, Arunkumar, Prof.Smt Gnaneshwari G.R Dept. of CSE, Government Engineering College, Gangavathi, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012032 |
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in DNA Microarray Image Segmentation: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional and
Machine Learning Methods
Prof. Ranu Sahu
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Baderia Global
Institute of Engineering and Management, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India
10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012033 |
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Achieving Equity in Machine Learning: Technical Solutions and Societal Implications Prof. Divya Pandey, Prof. Zohaib Hasan, Pradeep Soni, Sujeet Padit Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Baderia Global Institute of Engineering and Management, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012034 |
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Enhancing Data Security in Social Media Platforms through Machine Learning Techniques Prof. Zeba Vishwakarma, Prof. Zohaib Hasan, Hari Bhagwan Patel, Ritu Patel Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Baderia Global Institute of Engineering and Management, Jabalpur, MP, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012035 |
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"AI in Medical Imaging: From Abnormality Detection to Predictive Disease Progression" Prof. Jaya Choubey, Prof. Divya Pandey, Aditi Jaishwal, Kajal Jhariya Department of Computer Science Engineering, Baderia Global Institute of Engineering and Management, Jabalpur, MP, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012036 |
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Machine Learning and Collaborative Filtering-Based Book Recommendation System Prof. Vishal Paranjape, Prof. Saurabh Sharma, Prof. Zohaib Hasan Dept. of Computer Science, Baderia Global Institute of Engineering & Management, Jabalpur, India DOI: 10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012037 |
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and Machine Learning for Dynamic Workforce Management: A Cloud-Native HR
Sudheer Devaraju
Walmart Global Tech
10.15680/IJIRCCE.2022.1012038 |
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